The Future Of Process Engineering – Where Do We Go From Here?

Process engineering is a specialised area of expertise with a long past – and a bright future. As time goes on, experienced process engineers will only become more highly sought-after, due to the global economy forcing even greater competition in the manufacturing industry.  

Oil refinery plant from industry zone, Aerial view oil and gas industrial, Refinery factory oil storage tank and pipeline steel at night.

Of course, it is hard to predict the future of process engineering. However, it is a safe bet that the industry at-large will shift even further towards process automation, the IIoT, and other technologies that allow the elimination of manual labour, and robotisation of manufacturing. Robotisation means faster production and higher profits – and is expected to eliminate more than 800 million jobs by 2030.

Though all areas of process engineering can be expected to be highly-valued in the future, engineers who focus on developing automation systems and use robots for manufacturing are most likely the future of the industry.

Hopefully, this guide has provided some deeper insights into the world of process engineering – its past, the current fields in which process engineers work, and its future! Thanks for reading, and let us know what you think of our overview at Krisquest

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